Success, Failure and a Fear of Both

successAs I sat at home tonight, I could feel a coil of tension in my stomach. I had no reason to be tense so I sat with it and asked, what’s that about?

Did I bring that home with me from my casual job?

‘No’ came the answer.

Is it someone else’s anxiety I am feeling?

‘No’ came than answer again.

It didn’t make any sense.

Eventually though, the answer began to tug at the corners of my mind. It was fear, sure enough. Fear was causing that coil.

But why? Why, when I feel like so much is beginning to go my way, am I now feeling anxious?

Then I realised. It’s my old fear of Success and Failure. Some people are scared of success and will ‘white ant’ themselves at every opportunity because they don’t believe they deserve it or can ever really achieve what they want.

Other people undermine every opportunity because they are scared of failure. So if they don’t start, if they never really give it their all, they won’t really fail.

Crazy, huh? But so many of us take one of these paths. As for me, I have the double whammy of the fear of both success and failure. So I tend to screw myself over from several directions at once and it can make forward progress a real challenge.

But lately, I’ve been trying to look past that old habit. I’ve begun to believe that maybe I actually deserve those things I truly desire. Maybe I can achieve them. Maybe I can achieve what success means for me.

And maybe I don’t have to worry about failure, I just need to give it a shot.

So that tension in my stomach tonight was all about my fear that what I want might actually be possible. Because lately, things have been starting to go my way.

And then came a phone call that confirmed I was the right path. It was a friend of mine confirming that we have received the go-ahead to work on creative project and will be paid well to do so. We will work together, with another fabulous friend, on something we will enjoy that will also enable us to get our own personal ‘love projects’ off the ground.

My friend was beside herself with excitement and I was on the edge of grateful tears. The possibilities for the three of us are opening up and, by working together, we are going to help each other to live our purpose.

It was a humbling and overwhelming moment.

Tonight that coil of tension in my stomach was the realisation that I could actually get what I want in life. Things could turn out beautifully for me if I just give it a shot. Life isn’t going to be perfect. But things can move in my direction.

And now I have confirmation that, if I just believe something is possible, it quite possibly could be.

My version of life success could be possible.

How amazing is that!

Is it time to claim your place on centre stage?

gifts2Have you ever felt like you spend more time worrying about what other people think, say and do than what’s in your own heart? You might have brief glimpses of inspiration about what’s in you but it’s rapidly taken over by your fears of what other people might think. Then you duck back into your mainstream, accepted box, and keep doing what you were doing before. The only evidence of anything awry will be the smallest of ripples in your psyche, but they’re soon squashed and you’re right back where you started.

Sound familiar?

Some of us spend a lot of time worrying about what other people will think of our actions. And I don’t use the word ‘spend’ accidentally because, when you do this repeatedly, you are spending your energy and it’s not coming back to you. It’s not serving you in any way. It’s like you’ve gone to the deli counter, handed over your money and received nothing in return. So you wait and wait until eventually they turn out the lights and you’re left…alone.

This keeps you smaller than you are.

How often have you heard yourself say, ‘Oh, I’m happy to work in the background’ while a voice whispers deep inside you, ‘Maybe I could be good at the front but people might laugh at me.’

Or have you said, ‘Oh thanks, but I’m not really good at X’ when someone gives you a compliment – even when you long to claim your skills as being unique to you (which they are, by the way).

A few years ago, I was talking to a client about a professional activity they needed assistance with. ‘Oh, I can do that for you,’ I said. ‘I’m really good at that stuff.’

They looked at me a little askance and said, ‘You really shouldn’t say that, you know. People might think you’re a bit… [‘up yourself]’

So there I was, being open about one of my proven skill strengths and was being told to basically tone it down because of what other people might think.

Well, I’m here to tell you…life’s too short for that crap.

I don’t spend my time going around telling people how fabulous I am. But, if I know I have a strength in a particular area, why should I hide that or tone it down for the consumption of others?

Yet, we’ve all done it. And some of us do it more than others.

My proposition is, what would happen if you started to claim those things you are good at? What if you began taking ownership of your unique gifts and stopped being afraid to use them?

What would your life look like then?

I’m not saying people won’t judge you or try to pull you down. Some people probably will.

But you know, it’s not about what other people think. You are unique and you’re not here on this planet, living this human experience, to make yourself small.

You don’t have to overpower everyone in sight but you can definitely start claiming your place where you truly want to be. If you want to try for that job that will make you happy but doesn’t conform to the expectations of others – go for it!

The next time someone asks for help with a task you’ve been longing to try but have been too afraid to put your hand up for, put your hand up and say, ‘I’d love to give that a crack!’

Stop hiding your light. You’re amazing and you have amazing things to offer. So start. And eventually you’ll find you won’t be spending your energy in the wrong place anymore. You won’t be standing at the deli counter empty-handed either. Instead you’ll be at the local markets buying fresh produce that feeds your soul.

Your energy will be directed towards making yourself feel good and living your light, rather than worrying about what other people think.

And that will be the most amazing gift of all – for you.

Is it time to believe in your dream?

DreamsA few days ago I wrote about committing to your dream; making a commitment to yourself about the thing you desire in order manifest it in your life. After all, if you’re not committed to creating that eventuality, it’s never going to show up.

I also suggested that, in order to manifest that thing, you must believe it’s possible. You must believe it, even if all your previous life experiences tell you otherwise.

This is a big call to make.

What if you’ve watched other people try to create what you want, and they’ve failed? How can you think you’ll be any different?

That is the trick though, isn’t it? If you think about the great inventors or leaders of history, they surely looked around at others who had tried before and didn’t make it. Consider Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter who believed in peace and that apartheid in South Africa could eventually end. How many times was he told, ‘It’s not possible. The odds are too great.’ Yet this one man was instrumental in ending that repression because he believed it was possible.

Consider Leonardo da Vinci. He believed humans could fly and I’m pretty sure he was told repeatedly that it wasn’t possible. Yet today our skies are filled with planes transferring their precious human cargo from one landing strip to the next. Da Vinci believed it was possible and, although he only drew the sketches in his lifetime, today those flying machines are a reality.

Many of us may be persuaded to abandon our dreams because of what other people say and believe. We can think our dreams are unrealistic because it’s all been done before and people have failed.

But if you want to manifest something in your life, you must believe it’s possible even if other people tell you that you’re deluded. You must believe in it with all your heart. There are no half measures with this stuff. You must back yourself 100 percent if you wish to manifest this thing in your life.

And it doesn’t matter what your dream is. It could be big or small. Maybe you want to travel to a foreign country before you die, work in that dream job everyone tells you that you’re not good enough for, or maybe you want to create a home for yourself just the way you like it. Or perhaps it’s to find that one person who makes you feel loved in every part of your soul.

Whatever your dream, whatever your desire, you must believe it’s possible.

So if you want that thing, if you really, really want it, first make that commitment to yourself. Then believe it is possible.

And after that, follow the signs the Universe sends you.

Commit to your dream

CommitYesterday I was dwelling on something I really want and trying to work out how it could come to pass. How? How could this think I really want ever happen when it seems impossible right now?

My mind tore at the problem this way and that. How?

Now, my inner guidance has shown me repeatedly that this thing will come to pass and it’s all about timing. I just need to live my purpose and all will be fine. But still my mind won’t let it go. So I torment myself. It’s not much fun.

But yesterday morning something new happened. A voice inside me said, ‘Commit. Commit to it.’

‘Commit. Commit. Commit.’

The word reverberated through every part of me and drowned out every other thought and doubt.

‘Commit. Commit to what you want. Commit to it.’

The voice was insistent and I finally decided to listen.

This thought in my head, this thing I desire to have in my life, needed a commitment.

So I committed. I acknowledged that I am committed to that thing happening in my life. I acknowledged that I cannot understand the ‘how’ and that much of it is out of my control. But I committed to it anyway.

It was time for me to step up and out of my doubt. It was time to believe and commit. So I have. And I feel so much better for it.

If you desire something with your whole heart, it’s not enough to think about it as something that’s in the distance; something that’s never going to be real. You have to commit to it happening.

You may have no idea how your dream could ever become a reality. But if you don’t commit to it, it will never be a reality.

Commitment to your dream is one of the first steps towards manifesting that beautiful thing in your life. So commit to it. And then wait for the Universe to show you the next step. Because there will be other steps. And they will involve believing it’s possible, knowing that you deserve that thing you desire and a whole lot of other things. But the first step, is definitely committing to it.

So commit. Be courageous and commit.

Are you ready to reveal yourself?

matterI recently found myself confronted with a challenging situation. I was having a conversation with someone I didn’t know very well and I said my friend Priscilla had been staying with me for a while as part of her couch-surfing, spiritual journey.

‘What does she do?’ he asked.

‘She’s a healer,’ I said.

‘What do you mean a healer?’

As I explained a little about Priscilla – she is a cranio-sacral practitioner and a spiritual healer, I could see his mind struggling to comprehend my words.

‘Do you mean like crystal skulls and things?’ he asked.

‘Um, not quite.’

Our conversation progressed with me eventually saying, ‘You know I’m like that too, right? I’m a psychic.’

The look on his face was pretty interesting.

At that point, our conversation could have gone downhill. You see, this man only knew me as a university tutor and freelancer. He had no understanding of this other part of me and didn’t know what to do. For a moment or two, I thought he might try to laugh it off. He came pretty close. So I sat there to see what would happen next.

I also experienced a feeling I haven’t had for a while and it was something close to fear – fear of not being accepted for who I am.

I’ve become pretty good at being open about my ‘extra gifts’ for a while now. Usually people are incredibly open and curiosity is their first point of call. But still there are moments when I’m not sure how people are going to react and that snaky fear of judgement sneaks its head out.

Fortunately, curiosity won the day. The man didn’t laugh and my fears abated.

It’s a challenge to be your true self and live an authentic life. People will understand life based own perspectives and experiences and your choices may challenge where they’re coming from. That can be uncomfortable.

But if you’re going to live your truth and walk your soul’s path, then you have to be honest about who you are and know that even if others judge you, it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is that you are being true to yourself.

Are you being pulled in another direction?

authenticIt’s been an interesting couple of days for me. As a psychic I often have spiritual growth spurts when new information drops in whether I like it or not. Sometimes this is challenging because it makes me see things a different way. My boundaries are pushed and the Universe asks me to go further into my awareness and expand myself and my capacity. Quite frankly, it can turn my world upside down and inside out as realisations challenge everything that has gone before.

The last few days have been like that. In one instance, I walked past someone and, although I know them well and felt their energy in every part of me, my eyes didn’t recognise them because I saw only the mask they were showing the rest of the world. I knew the person underneath but I didn’t recognise the person they were showing to the outside world.

That was a shock for me, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. When we try to play a role we believe is expected of us, we all put on a mask. It’s how we cope. ‘Maybe if I act like everything is okay and act like this role fits me, it will,’ we think.

But it doesn’t work.

Most people will be taken in by the mask because we can be very convincing. We will even convince ourselves that it fits for a while. But eventually our mask will slip, usually when we find ourselves with  time on our hands and no one is around to distract us, and that’s when the realisations really start. Our mask falls to the floor and we realise we can’t and don’t want to play that role anymore. We don’t want to be that person we’re ‘supposed’ to be. We have to look at ourselves, go deep and face the truth within.

We want something different. We want to be the person we are on the inside. And often that person, our authentic self, is not the person we’ve been raised to be or who our culture expects us to be.

Some of us, maybe even you, will still try to wear the mask. And you may succeed for a while. But it will never really fit properly because the Universe will be asking you to go in another direction. It’s asking you to follow your heart and be who you truly are. And it’s asking you to listen to your inner voice to help you get where you need to be.

I know the person I saw the other day will have to remove their mask eventually and their outside will match their inside again. I’m looking forward to that day because that person on the inside is amazing.

In the meantime I know I can help other people who have already felt their mask slip.

I’m running a course that will help them find their way back to their authentic selves and empower them to chart their own path forward in a way that fits them.

If you’d like to know more and it feels right for you, I’d encourage you to visit the information on this website about my Nights for Spiritual Beginners – Introductory Course (see which begins this Wednesday in Brisbane. I’d love to see you there.