Is the past stalking you?

stalking pastWe all have those things in our past, those moments that go some way towards defining who we are and where we believe we fit in the world. They can be high points or low ones. Momentous occasions where the world felt like our oyster, or times when it felt like we would never be able to raise our head from the ground again.

Often, just when we think we’ve left those more difficult and challenging moments behind, they rear up before us. And in that moment we can feel like we’re right back where we started, struggling, a little lost and fearful of repeating that pattern from the past.

At times like these we can spiral, down into the depths of that place from where we came. Those attachments to the story of our past can be hard to break.

I have experienced this myself and it’s no fun. But in these moments, once I take a breath or two and bring myself back to the present, I remind myself of the following.

1.  The past happened but it’s done. And I am different and stronger because it happened and I lived through it.

2.  I will only repeat the patterns of the past if I don’t learn the lessons from the past. So I need to be honest with myself about why and how things happened and what my role was in that process. I am after all, not a victim of circumstance. I am not a passive participant in my own life.

3.  Wallowing is fine. Sometimes it is even necessary to fully experience and ‘sit in’ the memory or situation and learn from it. But sooner or later I will need to get up, wash myself off and keep going. That part is definitely up to me. There is no ‘rescue’ from myself.

4.  Sometimes the past stalks you just to let you know how far you’ve come. It’s a reminder of what you’ve learned and a sign the pattern no longer exists. It is simply a remnant from an older time. It is in those moments, when I finally realise the pattern is done, that I step into the light letting my past stalk by and disappear into the shadows behind me.

When are you going to realise there is absolutely nothing wrong with you?

perfectWhen are you going to realise there is absolutely nothing wrong with you? You are perfect just the way you are, and all those imperfections and faults you see when you look in the mirror are part of being human.

Yes, in this lifetime you will be tested and frequently asked by the Universe to be a better version of yourself. You will be asked to give more than you have ever given. You will be asked to let go of the way things used to be and you will resist it. That is life.

You will be asked to dig deep. To plunge into the depths of your soul and discover that which is hidden from the rest of the world – your shadows and the gifts that are unique to you.

Sometimes you will run and hide. You may run for months, years, decades. You will seek to flee from the very things your soul desires – love, purpose, joy. You may instead explore the darkest parts of yourself and that too is how it should be. For after all you are human, and here to learn all there is to know about yourself too.

But sooner or later, for most of us I hope it is sooner, you will realise you are perfect just the way you are. You will have faith in your ability to bring light into the world; faith in your ability to give love from the deepest parts of you.

Your hidden frustrations and anger will dissipate because you will stop being frustrated and angry with yourself. You will know that love is offered to you in a hundred ways every day. You just need to open your heart to receive it.

And yes, you will keep improving and making mistakes every day until you pass over into the next world.

But you will have peace in this lifetime because you’ll know there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. And you will know that the people who love you see that too.

Are you being pulled in another direction?

authenticIt’s been an interesting couple of days for me. As a psychic I often have spiritual growth spurts when new information drops in whether I like it or not. Sometimes this is challenging because it makes me see things a different way. My boundaries are pushed and the Universe asks me to go further into my awareness and expand myself and my capacity. Quite frankly, it can turn my world upside down and inside out as realisations challenge everything that has gone before.

The last few days have been like that. In one instance, I walked past someone and, although I know them well and felt their energy in every part of me, my eyes didn’t recognise them because I saw only the mask they were showing the rest of the world. I knew the person underneath but I didn’t recognise the person they were showing to the outside world.

That was a shock for me, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. When we try to play a role we believe is expected of us, we all put on a mask. It’s how we cope. ‘Maybe if I act like everything is okay and act like this role fits me, it will,’ we think.

But it doesn’t work.

Most people will be taken in by the mask because we can be very convincing. We will even convince ourselves that it fits for a while. But eventually our mask will slip, usually when we find ourselves with  time on our hands and no one is around to distract us, and that’s when the realisations really start. Our mask falls to the floor and we realise we can’t and don’t want to play that role anymore. We don’t want to be that person we’re ‘supposed’ to be. We have to look at ourselves, go deep and face the truth within.

We want something different. We want to be the person we are on the inside. And often that person, our authentic self, is not the person we’ve been raised to be or who our culture expects us to be.

Some of us, maybe even you, will still try to wear the mask. And you may succeed for a while. But it will never really fit properly because the Universe will be asking you to go in another direction. It’s asking you to follow your heart and be who you truly are. And it’s asking you to listen to your inner voice to help you get where you need to be.

I know the person I saw the other day will have to remove their mask eventually and their outside will match their inside again. I’m looking forward to that day because that person on the inside is amazing.

In the meantime I know I can help other people who have already felt their mask slip.

I’m running a course that will help them find their way back to their authentic selves and empower them to chart their own path forward in a way that fits them.

If you’d like to know more and it feels right for you, I’d encourage you to visit the information on this website about my Nights for Spiritual Beginners – Introductory Course (see which begins this Wednesday in Brisbane. I’d love to see you there.

Is your Inner Voice calling you?

Voice of selfHave you ever thought about how you were raised and realised, ‘Actually, I don’t want to live my life like that.’ But you’ve felt stuck like you can’t let go and move forward without disappointing a lot of people?

Or have you found yourself in a moment questioning the life you’ve chosen to live and thought, ‘Maybe I’m on the wrong track here.’ But you don’t know what to do about it.

If you’ve had these or similar experiences, chances are the Universe is calling on you to take a different road to the one you always thought you’d walk. The Universe is tapping you on the shoulder and saying, ‘Excuse me, you’re not going to find happiness or peace living that way anymore because there are bigger things out there for you; there’s a whole new world waiting for you; it’s time for a different way.’

Most of the time you’ll resist that first gentle nudge to change or recalibrate your life because you’ll be comfortable where you are. Actually, if you’re honest with yourself, you won’t be that comfortable and sometimes you’ll feel like you’re playing a role you trained for but no longer like. You’ll be going through the motions every day but not feeling the fulfillment you thought you would. To the untrained eye your life may even look pretty great – but on the inside the life you’re living will feel kind of empty and unbalanced. You’ll know there’s something not right but you’ll tell yourself it’s just a phase and you should be grateful for what you have. But still that nagging voice will return, each time stronger and stronger than the last saying ‘Excuse me, that way isn’t going to work anymore.’

Unfortunately, things will usually get difficult for you around this time, particularly if you’ve never been allowed or taught to listen to your inner voice, that voice of self. Because that will be the nagging voice you hear inside you but you will mistrust it because your head will feel like it’s not in control. We are taught to balance and reason our way through every decision we make in our lives and yet, that other voice inside us pops its head up when we least expect it and throws everything out of balance.

That voice of self doesn’t really care about living a life that’s been neatly planned out for you by others. It doesn’t care how you were brought up or what your family, friends or society expect of you. It doesn’t care about the life you’ve planned for yourself either. It’s more interested in getting you on the track to be the most beautifully formed and wonderfully gifted person you can be. It’s on a mission is to help you pull apart the bits of your life that aren’t working so they can be cast adrift and replaced with something that is designed for you alone.

And yet you’ll try to drown out that voice because it’s not convenient and let’s face it, it’s downright disruptive. Maybe you’ll throw yourself into work and pretend you still love what you’re doing, or you could try to lose yourself in a relationship with someone you know will never be right. You might try drinking, partying or drugs, or make yourself so busy you feel constantly exhausted.

You might try some or all of those things.

But that voice will return again and again, until one day you’ll realise you can’t avoid yourself anymore. It might be a simple moment of clarity that arrives at the most unexpected time. Or sometimes, in extreme cases, you may be faced with some traumatic happening that forces you to stop and reassess. However it comes, in that moment you’ll realise it is time to follow your own path. You’ll realise that the structures you’ve built for yourself aren’t as sturdy as you thought and you need to let them fall into the dust.

You’ll realise it’s time to work out who you are and follow your voice of self because, regardless of what anyone else says or believes, you have a purpose on this planet and a path to follow. And in that moment you will courageously step forward on the most exhilarating, enlightening and terrifying journey of your life, the journey of self.

Self-love is the Key

self loveWhen I look around me it often seems like love, or the lack of it, strongly motivates every single thing we do on this planet.

Love is at the core of everything and love of self in particular leads us to create lives full of opportunities and positive relationships, follow creative endeavours, and actively seek ways to make this world a better place.

A lack of self-love takes us down the road to self-destruction where we seek toxic relationships, disrespect our bodies, turn away from others and become people we don’t in our hearts to wish to be.

Love of self brings us closer to divine joy but its lack pushes us further away.

We seek others to fill the holes within ourselves. We think, ‘If I’m just with that person I will feel better.’ But it doesn’t work because you must love yourself first before you can ever truly love another.

When you lack self-love you will seek unhealthy relationships with people who don’t lift you up and do not help you to see the spectacular uniqueness of you. And in those situations you (and others who care about you) will blame that person for dragging you down. But the other person is only reflecting how you feel about yourself.

Other times you might find someone who sees your capacity for great love. They will want you to be all you can be in this life. But too often you will run from them because you do not believe you deserve that kind of love. After all, you do not love yourself so how could they love you.

Lack of self-love destroys what we want most in the world.

Loving yourself means trusting your inner guidance. But so many of us haven’t been taught how to do that and we distrust ourselves completely. But loving yourself is the first step towards understanding who you truly are at your core and from there your inner knowing grows exponentially.

Knowing yourself can be challenging because your inner guidance will tell you to do what you believe is right for you and this self-love will encourage you to seek paths that are not always in alignment with what other people want. It may ask you to live your life the way you choose and not as your family, friends or culture may dictate. It will challenge you to break down every false barrier you ever put in place and urge you on when others tell you to give up.

Self-love and the inner knowing that comes with it, will lead you to reach for opportunities and force you far your comfort zone where you are restricted by what has been rather than what is possible. It will nourish you and help you to keep going when you feel like you’ve lost your way.

Self-love will lead you to trust yourself and your own judgement. It will ultimately lead you to the strongest and most reliable love of your life, the love you have for yourself.

The Challenges of Witnessing the Journey of Others

rescueHave you ever looked at a friend in trouble and thought, ‘If only they’d do X and Y, they’d be okay’ or watched someone you care about go down a self-destructive path repeatedly, no matter how many people advise them to go another way?

I think every one of us has had that experience and it’s difficult to be that person on the sidelines, watching someone play the game of life in what we believe is the ‘wrong way’. It’s hard to watch them create situations that will hurt themselves, often over and over again.

Sometimes you might try to save them from their ‘mistake’. You’ll throw on your armour, mount your white horse and ride to the rescue, sweeping them up and away from danger only to find they create the same situation for themselves within days or weeks.

Other times your frustration will take over; you’ll feel angry and watch incredulously as, despite warnings, clear directions and sound advice, they will continue down the same self-destructive path regardless.

Why do they keep doing this, you’ll ask time and time again. You’ll feel powerless and will struggle with that feeling. I’ve often struggled with it because, like most people, my first instinct is to help and protect the people I care about.

But often you’re not supposed to fix the situation or ride in to save the day. And, as your self-awareness increases, so too will your understanding that everyone has their journey and their own lessons to learn. You cannot save others from themselves and frequently, they will need to learn their lessons the hard way – just as you have.

It will be difficult to stand back and let them get on with it. However, sometimes it will be your role to simply witness their journey and be there when they come out the other side having learned the lessons they needed to learn.

Because in the end we must all choose to save and rescue ourselves. No one else can do it for us.