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create your life | Lucretia's Words

Are you ready to reveal yourself?

matterI recently found myself confronted with a challenging situation. I was having a conversation with someone I didn’t know very well and I said my friend Priscilla had been staying with me for a while as part of her couch-surfing, spiritual journey.

‘What does she do?’ he asked.

‘She’s a healer,’ I said.

‘What do you mean a healer?’

As I explained a little about Priscilla – she is a cranio-sacral practitioner and a spiritual healer, I could see his mind struggling to comprehend my words.

‘Do you mean like crystal skulls and things?’ he asked.

‘Um, not quite.’

Our conversation progressed with me eventually saying, ‘You know I’m like that too, right? I’m a psychic.’

The look on his face was pretty interesting.

At that point, our conversation could have gone downhill. You see, this man only knew me as a university tutor and freelancer. He had no understanding of this other part of me and didn’t know what to do. For a moment or two, I thought he might try to laugh it off. He came pretty close. So I sat there to see what would happen next.

I also experienced a feeling I haven’t had for a while and it was something close to fear – fear of not being accepted for who I am.

I’ve become pretty good at being open about my ‘extra gifts’ for a while now. Usually people are incredibly open and curiosity is their first point of call. But still there are moments when I’m not sure how people are going to react and that snaky fear of judgement sneaks its head out.

Fortunately, curiosity won the day. The man didn’t laugh and my fears abated.

It’s a challenge to be your true self and live an authentic life. People will understand life based own perspectives and experiences and your choices may challenge where they’re coming from. That can be uncomfortable.

But if you’re going to live your truth and walk your soul’s path, then you have to be honest about who you are and know that even if others judge you, it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is that you are being true to yourself.

What if I told you it was all going to work out?

how‘What if I told you it was all going to work out. Would you believe me?’

I asked a friend this question today and he said, ‘Um yes, I guess I would. But what about…?’

And that’s where the problem lies doesn’t it. Someone in the know can tell you that something is going to work out and you’ll still want to know, how? How can it work out? How will I get there?

Often we’ll feel in our gut that’s it’s going to be okay. Lord knows my intuition has given me some very clear indications that things are going to work out just fine. My guides have shown me the things I most desire will come to pass. I’ve even had psychic friends say, ‘Lucy, yes, it’s going to work out. You don’t need to worry about that, just keep moving forward.’

But even with all those signs and confirmations from within myself and from others, do I trust that it’s going to work out?

Um no. Because I want to know the how. As a result, I don’t give myself a lot of peace. In fact, I get very little peace at all.

I think most of us have been brought up to ask the ‘how’. We want to know what the process will be to reach our destination. It’s part of the Western way. The idea of trusting that we’re taken care of and we should just focus on the now is foreign to many of us. And that’s because we’ve been taught to rely so much on our reasoning and our minds, not our intuition or inner guidance.

Does this help us to find inner peace? I’d have to say from my experience, definitely not. My need to know the ‘how’ often plays a wonderful role in tying me up in knots. It obstructs my progress and blocks me into a corner where I kick my heels in frustration because a large part of me wants a plan. I want to know ‘how’.

Yet, when I just trust that it’s going to be okay, things work and feel very differently. For example, when I simply ask myself in any given moment, ‘What is the next thing I need to do to draw X, Y or Z towards me?’ The answer always comes (if I quiet my mind long enough to hear it). I don’t have to force anything.

And once I stop trying to control the outcome or timing of something, my inner peace returns too. Once I let go of the ‘how’ I feel more balanced and I know that I’m moving in the right direction.

Learning to let go of the ‘how’ is one of my greatest lessons and I’m still learning it. But when I stop trying to see how I’ll reach my destination, the Universe steps up to help me get there. The timing may not be what I’d like and the path may twist and turn more than I ‘think’ is necessary or helpful, but it will always take me where I need to go.

Naked, open to the world and lighting my own way

nakedNot long after I moved into my first house as a newly-single person, I bought a metal sculpture of a naked woman, reclining backwards, holding a candle aloft.

These days the sculpture has migrated from my lounge-room to the deck and, although it looks a little worse for wear, it still attracts interest from my visitors.

Often they are intrigued. ‘Why do you like that?’ they ask. ‘What’s that about?’

My answer is always the same, ‘She symbolises how I wish to live my life. Naked, open to the world and lighting my own way.’

Now don’t misunderstand me. You won’t see me strolling through my local streets without clothes on anytime soon. It’s more of a metaphor.

The nakedness and openness speak to my desire to live openly, without barriers and from the heart. I wish to live as I truly am, not as others or society expects me to be.

I wish to light my own way by knowing I always have the strength and light within me to keep moving forward because I trust my own judgement and intuition. It’s not about turning away from the assistance of others. Instead it’s about knowing that my light comes from within me and I can re-light my own candle whenever I choose. I do not have to wait for someone else to light it for me.

When life gets difficult, as it does for all of us, it can be easy to put up barriers between ourselves and others, close down our hearts and let our light go out. It can be easy to lose faith that we have the strength and inner guidance to find our way forward, to take the next step, to just keep going.

But in those moments I will glimpse the naked lady and I’m reminded of my capacity to find my way. Like me, she has some age spots (in her case, rust) showing up here and there, and she has weathered a few storms. She has matured a little more and, in my more fanciful moments, I imagine she has, like me, relaxed into her own (metal) skin over the years.

Yet in spite of all the bumps, rust, storms and challenges of living exposed to the elements, she is still there naked, open to the world and lighting her own way. She is still there inspiring me to do the same

Are you ready to create your life?

lifeSo here’s what I know to be true.

You can create the life you dream of. But you have to work for it. You have to put your money where your mouth is. And you have to believe you are worthy of your dream.

So start. Get up out of that chair and start.

Make that phone call. Start that blog. Register your business. Call the person you love and tell them you’re ready to take that chance. Enrol in that course. Start that exercise program.

Ignore those people who tell you that you’re crazy and deluded. You’ll need to trust yourself if you’re going to make it happen. So just take that first step and keep going.

Persist. Believe. Do.

Set your intention and give yourself small goals to reach along the way. Keep them small so they are attainable and eventually build up to something big.

Only you can do it. It’s your life and no one else is going to do it for you. So what are you waiting for?

I have faith in you.

Now it’s time for you to have faith in yourself

What if you can just ‘be’?

images-23There have been many periods in my life when I have dashed this way and that, trying to get things done, making decisions, feeling pressured and ‘knowing’ that I just need to keep going.

After all, I need to keep moving forward right? And I’m doing important stuff and people are relying on me…right?

During those times, often when it felt like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown because I was driving myself so hard, no one ever said to me, ‘Lucy, do you know that you can just ‘be’? You don’t ‘have to’ do anything at all.’

Looking back, I wish somebody had told me that. Because they are powerful words that help drag everything in our hurly burly lives back into perspective.

I’m watching a few people drowning in that hurly burly at the moment. Wonderful people who are putting off having fun until later…but later never comes. People who are driven and great at what they do, but gradually burning themselves out. People who think they need to decide now what they must do with the rest of their lives when really their soul is whimpering, ‘Let me just sit a while. Let me just ‘be’.’

Most of us need to work and we all have things we need to achieve and do when we get out of bed in the morning. But our tendency to load ourselves up and do more than we can realistically sustain is very common. And if you’re a perfectionist (like me), you want to do it all perfectly and that creates its own pressures. Meanwhile, any balance in our lives disappears completely and we become the machine instead of the operator.

So I guess my point today is this…if you can’t remember the last time you did an activity that brings you joy (reading a book, playing with your kids, walking on the beach), then make plans to do it now. And I don’t mean plan to do it in a year’s time because you will be a wrung out, resentful rag by then.

If you have a dream that you’re putting off because you’re ‘too busy’ or you’re trying to keep everyone else happy, stop, breathe and ask yourself if you really need to do all those other things. Can you actually have a bit of what you truly want now?

And above all, if you feel like you’re drowning in the hurly burly always remember that you can just ‘be’ and you really don’t ‘have to’ do anything at all. The world will not end if you stop for a moment to catch your breath. It will still be there tomorrow.