My Wish for You

My Wish for You

I wish for you
Only love
And tenderness
Of course
I wish for you
A thousand stars
To shine upon your course
Wherever you go
They’ll be there
To light up the dark night
You’ll never be alone
They’ll always be there
They’ll always be in sight

I wish for you
Only love
And tenderness
Of course
I wish for you
Joy and hope
You may have to change your course
Backwards or forwards
Or round in circles
It doesn’t really matter
As long as you listen to your heart
That’s all that really matters

I wish for you
Only love
And tenderness
Of course
I wish for your heart
To remain open
With no bars
And nothing forced
I want you to live
As if yesterday’s mistakes
Were only just bad dreams
But today anything is possible
You can live only good dreams

I wish for you
Only love
And tenderness
Of course
Your potential is unrestricted
Don’t let fear
Ever prevent your course
Or keep you from what you want
That true thing
Deep in your heart
You know that thing
You don’t want to admit
That real thing in your heart

I wish for you
Only love
And tenderness
Of course
I wish for you
How I feel for you
I have no other recourse
And when I see the stars above
Shining in the sky
I’ll think of you and send you love
There’s nothing else that I can try

I wish for you
Only love
And tenderness
Of course
I’m sending you them
Yes right now
I hope you receive them
Yes of course

I want for you
All the stars
That spread out across the sky
I want for you
All that love
And everything you desire.

Love Is A Mess

Love Is A Mess

Love is a mess
I said to my friend
She agreed, nodding her head
It’s disruptive, untidy and sometimes unclean
It will completely mess with your head

First you’re up
And then you’re down
It’s not like the fairy tales
Those sweet stories didn’t account
For the vagaries of male and female

And what about the pain we inflict
On the dear ones who we love
We do it so carelessly
Love doesn’t always feel sent from above

Sometimes it rises from the bowels of hell
It tears your soul in two
Before the next second lifting you up so high
And filling you through and through
With a lightness so golden
And so incandescent
You wondered how you did without
All its glory and boundless joy
It turns you inside out

Then there’s the errors
The plain misunderstandings
We don’t know how to correct
Instead we watch our lover unravel
Sometimes not even sure what we’ve said

We screw it all up
We throw love away
Even when we desperately want it
We crave another’s touch
Yet turn away
We think they couldn’t possibly want it

We’ll go out and sleep with so many others
Who’ll never come to close to our heart
Yet avoid talking to the one who does
For fear they’ll tear us apart

We’ll be struck down so maudlin
Then lifted so high
With hope coursing through our veins
Then in the next second we’ll plummet on down
And hit the dirt again

And for those who shake their heads
And say
Come now
Love is so simple
I challenge you to look at the truth, my friend
I know that love ain’t that simple

It twists and turns
Its trails unexpected
Sometimes rocky and sometimes so smooth
Just when you think you’ve got it all worked out
It’ll throw you out of your groove

Roller coasters, jumps
Endless joy and succor
You’ll feel like you can fly
Before explosions make you less secure
You might feel like you could die

But what you learn
Along the way
Is really so very delightful
Unconditional love looks at you
And doesn’t see the potential minefield
It cares not for the past
Or the challenges that have been
It sees only what is possible
The love within
The crazy impossible dream
It doesn’t believe anything’s impossible

It sees past your flaws
Those dents and grazes
You think are so very unsightly
Even when you feel like it’s darker than pitch
It still sees the sun shining brightly

Love is a mess
A glorious mess
And I’ll take it every day
Over the safety of living without, my friend
You know
I’ll take it every day

The Moon and the Stars

The Moon and the Stars

She called for the stars
He gave her the moon
He gave ‘til there was no more to give
But she didn’t see
She was looking at the stars
She hadn’t known how to forgive

She didn’t know
Had never worked out
That the moon and the stars combine
To light up the heavens that stretched above
And she’d had both all the time

The stars were hers
She put them there
She didn’t need the stars from him
But he held the moon
Which she also needed
And it was offered to her by him

An exchange though
Must be completed
There was a transaction that was involved
He would give the moon to her
While she’d give so many stars untold

He could hold them in his hands
Or scatter them all around
They were her precious gift to him
They could never be pulled down

Between them both they could light the sky
And transcend the heavens above
All that was needed was trust and love
To create the beauty above

So he stood there with the moon in his hands
And she had her sack of stars
Could they trust enough to make the exchange
And heal their previous scars

She was ready
And so was he
Their hands were stretching out
It was time to leave all doubt behind
And discover what true love is about

Relationships and needs: Are you seeing what’s right in front of you?

Relationships and needs: Are you seeing what’s right in front of you?

I’ve been talking to a lot of clients and friends lately about relationships and getting our needs met. Sometimes those relationships are with our love partners, other times they are with our friends, work colleagues or family members. Wherever we go in life we are ‘in relationship’ with someone and the smooth running (or not) of these is dependent on meeting or, at the very least, acknowledging the needs of the other person.

It seems to me those needs are things that a very specific for every individual. Whether they are the result of nature or nurture (or a combination of both), I can’t be sure. But we all have them and, when they’re being ignored by the person we’re in relationship with, things go downhill very quickly.

One of the most obvious examples of this is in a love relationship. If Person A needs some kind of structure and security to feel safe and happy in a relationship, and their partner (Person B) doesn’t have those same core needs and doesn’t acknowledge/isn’t aware of those needs, or refuses to make space for them to be met within the relationship, then neither of them are going to be happy for long.

I’m not saying you need to compromise who you are to make the other person happy – if you do that, it’s not going to work. Instead I think it’s about understanding the other person in the relationship is coming from a different and equally important perspective and, for that relationship to thrive you both need to acknowledge and make space for the other person’s core needs to be met.

Let me offer another example and this time I’ll use me. I’m a very creative and highly intuitive person. For me this translates into a need for space in my life to allow my creativity to flourish and acceptance of my intuitive gifts (i.e. who I am). If I was in a love relationship with someone who couldn’t acknowledge and make space for those needs to be met, we would come up against some very serious challenges.

Of course, sometimes we need help to understand what the other person’s needs are. They may not be able to tell us or even understand them fully themselves. This is where you need to work together and talk it through. Being courageous enough to openly acknowledge and own your needs can be a big step and involves trusting the other person will be open to hearing where you’re coming from. There will be times when the other person doesn’t ‘get it’ and isn’t interested in understanding or making space for what you need in that relationship. That’s when you need to decide what’s best for you and you may need to move on. However, for some, a third party can help you get clear on these things so you can move forward together.

If you are experiencing challenges in relationship with someone else, whoever it is, perhaps all that’s needed is recognition firstly of your own needs, then theirs, and the development of a way you can both have those core needs met. Ignoring your needs, or theirs, is never going to be a successful long term strategy for happiness or contentment in a relationship.



There is a time before victory
When all your doubts crowd in
They jostle for space
They won’t leave a trace
For any light to get in

You will spiral
You will swirl
You’ll feel the pull of the drain
Down you’ll go into the dark
But you know what
You’ll come up again

Cause life is lightness
And there is hope
As long as you believe
You will get up
And dust yourself off
Anything’s possible
If you believe

Any creation will come at a cost
It must triumph over fear
You will have to put yourself out
Yes you will my dear

You will have to risk it all
You must risk the chance of failure
It may be a spectacular fall
But God, you must do the labour
Because you know
If you succeed
No price will be too much
For all your pride and false pretenses
Of never caring too much

Your creation whatever it be
A creation of true love
A thing of beauty
Not happenstance
A labour of real love

The joy that comes from that creation
Will make it all worthwhile
All the pain and doubts before then
Will disappear with just a smile

So when you feel the doubts crowd in
They try to snuff out your hope
Just keep going because my love
Where there’s light, there’s hope

You must risk it all you know
You must lay it on the line
If you don’t then you can just
Keep stepping on the mines.

Who would you choose

Who would you chooseThe Facebook post it asked of me
Who would you want to see
Who would you want to call past or present
And ask, come sit by me

Who would you want to chat to about
Anything, this and that
Who would it be who said your name
As you chatted about this and that

It was you
Who sprang to mind
My darling, it was you
Of all those in this world
Or the next
My darling, it was you

I checked myself
Wasn’t that too shallow
I could pick anyone
But my darling
It was still you
Because you are not just anyone

To talk to you once again
Would bring me so much joy
And peace, I’m sure of that as well
Like a beach, a peaceful shore

I didn’t post your name of course
Under that Facebook image
That seemed a rather unwise recourse
My wish somehow diminished

And yet, and yet
It is you, my love
That I would sit next to
We’d talk of life and love and laugh
Just like we used to do.