Coming home to me

Coming home to me

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. There’s been a lot going on in my life personally and professionally and, strangely for me, I haven’t been able to find the words to describe what’s been happening. I’ve been a writer lost for words and that is a peculiar feeling indeed.

But today I feel like the words are beginning to trickle back in, hence this post.

I’m writing to you from Assisi in northern Italy. Yes, I’ve finally made it back to a place that I love, Bella Italia. Despite my name, I have no Italian heritage but I always feel drawn back to this place. It’s my fifth visit and I know it won’t be my last. There is connection for me here and I’m sure I’ve lived here before, in a past life, more than once. There’s something about Italy that fills me up and although I’m still not fluent in the language, I always feel as if I am visiting an old friend.

Yesterday as my bus traveled up the hill towards Assisi, I felt tears welling in my eyes and that song, I’m Coming Home began playing in my head. Many years ago on my last visit to this town, I had a similar experience; an almost overwhelming feeling of spiritual homecoming. I guess time has not changed that circumstance for my soul.

I’m not of the catholic faith but there is something about this place that moves me. Despite the focus of many of the religion and artworks in the great churches here on pain, suffering, obedience and sacrifice, there is also a joyful recognition of something higher than ourselves. The angelic sculptures in Cattedrale di S. Rufino soar ever upwards and reach for that which is unseen but believed to be possible. I guess it is faith I am talking about; faith in something more

To visit this place reminds me of my faith in what is possible, not what has been lost. I guess in many ways that is what this trip is about for me – a rediscovery of grace and hope. Often it is too easy to work and work and work and lose sight of what you are working towards. And I guess that is what I’ve been doing. After all, this is my first holiday in four years and when I got on that plane bound for Roma I was exhausted. But now, a mere week or so later, my tiredness has begun to lift and I am beginning to see through the mists to what could be real, if only I maintain my faith in my capacity to create the life I desire and know I deserve

I’ve had glimpses of that life recently so I know it is near. All I must do is keep my faith, my focus and come home to me in this beautiful place where inspiration lays around every corner and from every window.

La vita bella. Life is beautiful.