null-3Guest post by Shannyn Steel

We’d only been talking for a few minutes when he declared, “You’re a witch!”

Far from being insulted I found myself agreeing and not at all uncomfortable with the title.

It wasn’t meant as an insult. Instead, this name was given as an explanation for what I did and who I was. It wasn’t meant to define me or limit me but to help me capture the essence of myself and it felt right, I felt good, it felt true.

My friend and mentor went on to say I was a Christian witch. This is also true. I have a strong faith, not in religion or dogma, but in an entity I know as Jesus Christ. I also believe in the magic of nature and the elements. What an interesting combination we agreed. But it wasn’t long before we saw the connections. Do not magic and miracles belong both to witchcraft and to the Christian faith? Do we not, as followers of Christ, believe we drink of his blood and eat of his body? Does the bible not relay stories of water being turned into wine, of the sick being healed, the blind having sight returned and the dead being raised up again?

While I do not worship regularly in a church, I have had spontaneous and deep reactions as a result of taking communion, listening to scripture and praying in a holy space. My spirituality is an informal affair. I derive great joy from living mindfully of the elements of air, water, earth and fire. To me, this is simply living according to our most basic roots. Respecting and connecting with nature, animals and people is an intuitive spirituality. It is not formally bound by rules or doctrine. My life is, however, full of ritual. It’s a self-created ritual that has been developed as a way of making a regular life special. It helps me rediscover and reconnect with not only the earth and the elements but my true essence. To me these things are but an extension of my faith, love and trust in Jesus and he is not unhappy with that. We have a very comfortable relationship; a strong and ongoing relationship. I could not live without either in my life. By honouring the earth, I honour my God and saviour.

My own form of spirituality – Christian Witchcraft – is uniquely individual. It is also easily incorporated into a modern city dwelling lifestyle. I realise my comments and beliefs about witchcraft and Christianity being interlinked are controversial and will appal and offend some people, but others will innately understand. The juxtaposition may also confuse and annoy some people but it has led me to a place of peace. A place where I can create a world for myself and others where joy, peace, compassion and wisdom play a huge role.

“You’re a witch!”

nullSeveral years ago that statement would have insulted me. It would have offended me and cut deeply. Today I accept that it neither defines or limits me and is by no means an insult. Modern day religion left me wanting. It left me searching and confused. Having grafted, birthed and evolved my own spirituality, my life is full and rich again. I have a core belief, a deep respect and awe for a saviour I call Jesus. I also live with reverence for the ancestors, with a love of nature and an awareness of the life force flowing through everyone and everything around me.

My self developed and evolving spirituality – my “Christian Witchcraft” – is both a supplement and an antidote to the frantic, frenzied, fast paced modern world. I revel in it!

Shannyn Steel is an educator and spiritual life coach. You can read more of her words at