The Madenss of Love

It’s a strange thing, this love
Crazy, mad, unexpected
It crashes on through in a moment of time
Through a glance or a voice heard projected

Its force like a truck
Driven into a wall
It can leave you all in pieces
Or it cracks you wide open
And shows you more
Of what’s within
The craziness deepens

Or sometimes it sneaks up on you real slow
You don’t hear or see its sly coming
You only realise too late that you’re in
Love has hit you
It’s really quite stunning

Inconvenient, messy
Your sanity’s undoing
You’re tied up in its silken cords
Love has your mind all terribly mangled
No breathing space it will afford.

Quick or slow
When you’re in, you’re in
There’s no escape for you at that point
Defences are useless
Previous balance outdated
You cannot stay the old course.

Love is love
It cares not, you see
For the opinions or judgements of others
It has its own way
Its own path to follow
It will not be brought down by others.

It is neither sensible nor wise
It doesn’t care for that stuff
It’s more interested in the heart of the matter
It’s the heart where it lives
This love, you know
Its influence can be quite scattered

Big or small love
Does it even matter
How or why or when
For a stranger glimpsed across a crowded room
Or for an old friend, with a glance, just then

The devastation of course
Is the opposite of love
When left behind or maybe forgotten
Its desertion can tear you from limb to limb
Once again, all sanity forgotten

To love is to trust
That all will be well|
When it all seems so very unlikely
But love doesn’t care about rational thought
It doesn’t care if it looks unsightly

That old couple who walk slowly in the rain
Ponderous, bent and slow
Their hands entwined
Their bodies leaned in
They still whisper, love be mine, don’t go.
They make me believe
Believe in it still
A love so often unruly
Although sometimes I’ve despaired
Perhaps my judgement’s impaired
I’ve wondered that
Yes, I have, truly.

The Madness of Love
My soul it has collected
Time and time again
Its sway holds me close
Its tender embrace
I will be yours, again and again.