Where’s it bloggin’ gone?

So far I’ve come up with nothing for today’s blog. Well, not quite nothing.

I’ve started three posts and each time the first paragraphs have been so tediously dull that I’ve deleted them while screwing up my face with distaste.

Mmm. What to do?

I asked SuperPuss for advice. He was perched on a nearby chair and appeared uninterested in my dilemma.

“Don’t bother me,” his eyes said.

I surveyed Facebook for a hint but there was no direction there. Although it seems a lot of people liked my quote of the day: “Nothing happens overnight, much to my disgust.”

Hmmm. Is there a blog in that?


Have I felt inspired in the last 24 hours? Well, yes. But I tried to write about that in version number two and it just sounded lame.

Um. Note to self, maybe I should lead a more exciting life so I have something to write about.

The house alarm just went off across the street. I rushed to the window. Was it an attempted break-in? I could write about that!

The alarm stopped. Sigh. No crime-focused blog today.

Why can I do this writing thing so easily for everyone else? Where are my words? WHERE. ARE. THEY.

Just pulled a tarot card to see if that would help. It says New Partner and has a picture of a Pegasus and an Angel on it.

Not really helpful for a blog topic…unless the New Partner/Pegasus/Angel is outside my front door.

Just checked. They’re not there.

Sigh. Here’s hoping my muse returns tomorrow.