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Your purpose is a theme, not a destination

Your purpose is a theme, not a destination

A lot of my channelling and mentoring work focuses on helping women align with their purpose. I regard this as some of my most important work because it empowers women with the information they need to do what their Soul is calling out for.

We can spend a lot of time, spinning our wheels and going down blind alleys without this information. While I don’t believe any of that time is wasted – there is always a reason and lessons to be learned from these situations – living in alignment with your purpose helps you stay motivated when the times are tough. It also helps us understand why we might do things that aren’t obviously connected but are still, definitely, taking us in the right direction.

Using words to heal, empower and share stories is a key part of my purpose. This explains why I have spent 20-plus years working in communications and public relations. The same theme is also evident in my work as an author, blogger and mentor. For me, words are the key to everything. I may explore other avenues along the way but I will always return to my words.

Your mind may tell you that your purpose must look a certain way and lead to a specific outcome. But your mind will usually be wrong.

You can do more than one thing in this lifetime – your purpose is a theme, not a destination.

Think about Cleopatra, Michelangelo, Marie Curie, Martin Luther King – none of them did only one thing. If you let your thoughts restrict what living in alignment with your purpose looks like, you could miss out on all kinds of adventures and discoveries.

If you want to learn more about living in alignment with your purpose, let’s talk! One of my programs might be just what you need to get you moving in the right direction for you.

“You’ll never have peace if you don’t make peace with where you are right now.”

“You’ll never have peace if you don’t make peace with where you are right now.”

“You’ll never have peace if you don’t make peace with where you are right now.”

One of my guides said this during my meditation this morning and I must confess, I found his wisdom both annoying and of course, irritatingly true.

I’d been mentally stamping my feet because my planned relocation to Italy feels like nothing more than a pipe dream (it was planned for late June 2020). Let’s face it, with Covid-19 we have no idea when we will be able to travel safely overseas again, so I feel like I’m in a holding pattern.

I have plenty to do, books to write, friends to talk to, people to help and so on. And I’m grateful to be here in Australia where our government is taking a cautious and protective approach for the health of our citizens. But still, my frustration cup sometimes boils over because I am not where I want to be – hence my guide’s wise words this morning.

It’s healthy to acknowledge and feel my very real feelings in the moment. Heck, sometimes I will let them take over for a lot longer than that! But, sooner or later, I need to let those feelings go so I can achieve some peace and focus in the now.

It doesn’t mean I’m giving up on my dream. I’m still thinking about it and making plans. But I also know that I’m in this place right now for a reason (even if I don’t like it or know what the Universe’s reason is).  Time will also go a lot faster if I focus on the present instead of wishing my life away into the future (or lamenting the past).

Basically, I have to make the best of it otherwise I will drive myself crazy and I can give myself the gift of peace – I just have to choose it.

Don’t you hate it when your guides are right!

Are you asking for what you want?

Your life

Years ago, during a time of great confusion in my life, a kind mentor advised me to write a letter to myself because I felt lost and was unsure how to make a major decision.

‘Write a letter to yourself,’ she said. ‘Just go somewhere where you feel safe and won’t be disturbed, then write by hand (no computer allowed), “Dear Lucy, What do you want?” then write until you can write no more. Don’t edit as you go. Just write.’

That first letter helped me gain so much clarity about my life and what I wanted. I’ve also used this technique several times since then when I’ve been unsure of how I wished to move forward.

I’ve also shared this process (and a few others) with my clients and friends over the years because I know how powerful it is. Writing a letter to yourself allows you to articulate what you want.

This idea of allowing yourself to openly ‘want’ things has been coming up in a few of my conversations recently. So many of us seem to struggle with ‘wanting’. For some reason, we often don’t think it’s okay to want the things we truly desire. Comments range from ‘I don’t want to want too much’ to ‘I don’t know what I want’. Other times when asked, ‘What do you want?’ we simply respond with a blank frozen look because we don’t feel brave enough to speak our truth or we haven’t given ourselves permission to acknowledge what we want…even to ourselves.

We will get in our own way a hundred times to avoid saying and claiming what we want. And I have definitely been guilty of this myself, many times in my life.

Sometimes we worry that others might laugh at what we want or worse, they might think we’re ‘getting too big for our boots’. We may even think we’re not worthy of that thing so we’ll decide it’s best to not even admit to ourselves. Or maybe that thing will disrupt our lives so we decide to play along with things as they are while becoming more and more dissatisfied with each passing day, month and year. We will stumble along trying to make things work that never quite come together and we always feel like something is missing.

But, let’s face it. This is not a recipe for a fulfilling life. So, for those of you who are hiding from your ‘want’ or trying to uncover it, might I suggest a letter-writing activity is in order? It always help me get clarity when I’m struggling and I know it will help you too.

You don’t have to tell anyone about it. It’s just for you and it’s no one else’s business. But you will find that one letter will help you see what you really want. That will be the first step towards articulating aloud and then claiming the very things that will make your heart sing.

So stop running away from your want and you might even find you can have it.