ResistanceThere comes a time for many people when the Universe stops us in our tracks and forces us to question everything we have built and believed to be true. The moment may be triggered by a divorce, a death, a chance meeting or even the casual words of a stranger. Whatever occurs, it will often have meaning only to you. But its impact will be massive.

What follows is usually a spin that leaves you feeling as if your life is out of control. You will question everything and frequently resist the honesty of what you feel. You will fight it because if you are open, you will have to change your life. And you will have to change the lives of those around you

You may have to say, ‘No, I don’t want this anymore. I want something different.’ You will feel like you are selfish and should be thinking of others and, as you transform (because the Universe will not let you rest until you do) others will judge and not understand you.

You will reach for things you never believed you could have but truly desired. You will set boundaries where they have been badly needed but never placed before.

Your world will crack open and you will need to rebuild it from the ground up.

This process is painful and must be done by you alone because you must invariably cast off everything that was, in order to create what will be.

You will need to walk away from that person you have been.

I have been through this process three times now in the past decade or so. And each time it has involved leaving things and/or people behind. I have not done it lightly but my soul has demanded that it occur. I have resisted the process every time.

The first time it happened, it was a chance meeting that began the process. What followed was more than two years of resistance, pain, transformation and ultimately the ending of my marriage. It was then followed by a roller coaster of experiences that helped me become someone very different.

The second time involved my psychic awakening and I have to tell you, that was no picnic either. It was painful and a sometimes frightening experience. And yes, I often resisted it too.

I should have realised by then that resistance was useless.

The third time was very recently when I was faced with a personal problem I desperately wanted to solve and yet could see no solution. The Universe stopped me in my tracks and demanded that I go within myself to find the answer. It would not let me simply coast along.

This time, after a few days, I stopped my brain (and my ego) long enough to connect into my intuition to find the way forward. I stopped resisting and instead faced that I must ‘get real’ and go within to find the truth. But I was terrified that if I did go inside myself and uncover my true desiers, I may have to let go of something I desperately wanted to have in my life. But I knew I must be brave enough to go there. I would have no peace until I did. I stepped back from the noise in the rest of my life and went within.

What followed was a change that, while it might seem small to others, was huge for me. I discovered a part of myself I never really believed was there. I was transformed and all these doors in my mind and life that I’d believed were sealed shut, blew open. I gained clarity that two weeks earlier, I didn’t believe was possible.

My transformation this time was much quicker than before because I gave up the resistance early. But I didn’t do it alone. This time I sought guidance and healing from people I could trust. They had my best interests at heart. They were the ones who didn’t have an agenda about what my life should look like. They just wanted to help me find my own way. And so I did.

So why am I sharing all this? Is there a point to this blog?

I’m sharing this story because there are people in my life right now, people I love dearly, who are going through exactly this process of transformation. Some of them have unexpectedly begun the journey while others have been struggling with it for years. They know they must change their life, they know their soul demands it, and yet their ego – that part of us that holds on to safety and wants things to stay exactly as they are – is resisting. My dear friends, just like I did, are fighting themselves to the death. It is painful for them and difficult for me to watch but I know they must complete the transformation into the person they are meant to be.

Each of them is terrified that if they look to closely at what is within their own hearts, they will need to change. They worry about hurting and disappointing others. They worry that they have to throw everything out and start again.

They may have to do all those things. Some of them will ultimately walk away from relationships, begin new careers or simply spring clean their life from the inside out. They will all have to change what is to become what must be. They may keep things or relationships or desires from before or discard them. Those things that are kept will be closely aligned to the more authentic version of who is being created. It may sound clichéd but they will emerge like a newborn, or a butterfly fresh from its chrysalis, to a new life that is full of more than they could ever have imagined was possible. And in this new life, they will allow themselves to reach for what they truly want.

But to reach that moment they will need to question everything – their beliefs and expectations, and the life they have so far chosen to live. They will need to crack open the box inside them, labeled ‘the truth about [name]’ and face what is inside. They will need to let things go.

They must go within. And the longer they resist, the harder it will get because they will not be allowed to resist for long. The Universe will simply push and push until they face the truth and take action.

Resistance will be useless.