Are you more psychically connected than you think?

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A couple of weeks ago I was getting some feedback about my book (yes, the book I’m still editing) and was told perhaps I should rethink one of the chapters.

The chapter deals with clairvoyants and horoscopes and how single women will often rely heavily on these avenues when searching for love.

I was told that most people don’t believe in that stuff and might think I’m a bit, ‘you know’ if I included it.

Then I mentioned I’m psychic and believe in that ‘stuff’. The conversation quickly shifted to other topics.

The thing I found so interesting about the exchange was its black and whiteness. People have believed in God, an entity we cannot see and have not met, for hundreds of years. But to suggest that we can access our intuition about situations, connect with the energies that bind us all together and speak to the spirits of those who have passed over still makes some people uncomfortable.


In Western culture, we have always talked about instinct and gut feelings – a knowingness that has no foundation in what we see or any relation to the ‘facts’ we are presented with. Yet still we will know something isn’t right. Isn’t that a connection to information we don’t technically have?

What about those moments when, while sitting in quiet contemplation or engaged in a mindless activity, you are suddenly struck by a brilliant idea or  concept? How can you you explain those times just before sleep, when you close our eyes and suddenly know the solution to a problem that’s been bothering you for days or weeks?

In these moments our minds are not consciously active. They are not scurrying around being productive and engaged in the serious pursuit of answers and information. Yet these are the times when the answers come. Some form of inner knowing kicks in to help and takes over where our mind leaves off.

Being open to my intuition and ability to connect to the world around me has made it easier for me to trust my own decisions (and make good decisions) even when they haven’t been based on what my mind regards as ‘facts’.

Many of the greatest minds in our history have also said they ‘trusted their gut instincts’ when making decisions. Some of the great business strategists of the 21st century have said the same thing.

And there have been numerous times when I’ve corrected a student’s work and they’ve said, ‘Oh, that’s what I did the first time but then I changed it.’ Did their mind just over-ride their instinct?

Being psychic just means that my intuition and instincts are a little more developed than others. But I’m not ‘you know…crazy’ and I’m not the only psychic person out there. I meet them every day. It also feels like people in the public eye are talking about this stuff more and more. Some of the most creative thinkers of our time are talking about ideas coming through them or inspiration coming from another place. They are not passive in the process but they are open to receiving information from a place that is not their mind.

I feel like there is a shift happening that’s allowing us to access opportunities, discoveries and solutions that our rational thoughts have previously blocked or discarded. This can only be a good thing for our development as a human race and as a community. Imagine the possibilities.

In the meantime, I’d like to suggest that maybe, just maybe, there a lot of people in the world who are more ‘psychically intuitive’ than they think….they’re just calling it gut instinct.

But I just want to get there!

I’ve been procrastinating on a project over the past few days. I’ve been doing a bit here and there, then redoing it, yet never getting it quite right.

When I mentioned it to a friend yesterday she said, “You’ve been messing around with that for ages.”

“Your trouble is, you know what the end result will be but you just don’t want to do the process to get there.”

I’m laughing to myself as I recall her comments. She absolutely had me pegged.

I rarely want to do the process. I just want to know what the end game is and get there as quickly as possible.

“What about the journey?” you might ask.

“Journey, smurney,” I say.

Like many people, I don’t want to do the journey because sometimes it’s difficult. I’ll have to go through stuff that sometimes I’d rather not go through.

I’ll have to learn lessons that I don’t necessarily want to learn or  will make me uncomfortable.

I just want to get there. I’m impatient.

It’s even worse when you’re spiritually aware because the universe makes you learn your lessons. After all, we’re here to evolve and grow spiritually and you can’t do that if you go through life without challenges.

Being human often means we have to learn things the hard way to actually retain the message at all. Frequently we think we know best while the universe has a whole other plan…and that’s when we resist our path and cause ourselves a whole lot of trouble.

It can be frustrating.

After a few more hours, I finally finished my project and I was really happy with the result.

I’d like to tell you that in the future I will not resist the process and I will embrace the journey.

I will do my best. But I have a feeling it’s one of my lessons to learn in this lifetime and there will be a few more challenges ahead.

What are the animals trying to tell you?

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Last night a big hairy spider ran across the table onto my dinner plate and then decided to sit there for a while like it was the perfect resting place for an eight-legged arachnid.

I screamed, like the big girl I am, and flew out of my chair into the nearby hallway.

My friend’s cat fled behind the nearest couch in terror. The house was in uproar.

Eventually my good friend Sharon* removed the spider to the nearby deck but I remained watchful for any of its relatives.

Later in the evening I made friends with some local possums and then a fox ran out in front of my car on the way home.

It was an eventful animal evening.

Today SuperPuss has barely left my side. He’s right now lying near my feet, just hanging out and helping me to quietly start the new year.

Animals are so often the source of comfort and security in our lives. They can also make us feel protected and loved.

But sometimes they are also trying to tell us something too.

Last night wasn’t my first spider interaction. I’ve been seeing them everywhere for weeks…in my car, on my bed, on my deck, running across my computer keyboard, landing on me unexpectedly. They’ve been everywhere.

However, after last night’s plate incident, it became clear that I wasn’t paying enough attention to what they’ve been trying to tell me.

So today I’ve been doing a little research about spiders and thinking about what they mean to me. And I think I’m starting to understand what they’ve been trying to tell me.

Like spiders, we all have the ability to build our own web for our lives. We are the weavers of every strand and, if we decide something is no longer serving us, we can tear it down and start again.

We create our lives and can change them at a moment’s notice. We also have the ability to rebuild intricate and beautiful webs that are purely our own.

Last year was challenging and there have been many times when I’ve wondered, “Just what is this life that I’ve created?”

The spiders are telling me that I have the power to create my own web and to tear down and rebuild the parts I wish to change to make it stronger and more beautiful.

It’s a powerful message, isn’t it?



Are you living in the present?

I121102_170446_1411227-1423507I watched my one-year-old niece rip the wrapping paper from her birthday presents yesterday.

Like most one-year-olds she probably wasn’t thinking about where her next meal was coming from. She wasn’t thinking about if she needed to brush her hair or what she would do later that day or next week.

Instead she was completely in the moment and was just ripping up paper with her Dad.

Unlike my niece, I often find it difficult to be in the moment. It’s a practice I’m seeking to perfect but I often fall short.

Instead my mind is often full of what seems like a hundred trivial and not so trivial thoughts. Often none of them will have any relevance to the task at hand. This means I become a little spatially unaware and do silly things like walk into walls or suddenly find myself unable to reverse park my car effectively because I’m not really concentrating on what I’m doing. My head is somewhere else thinking about what I’m going to eat for dinner, etc.

But there are moments when I feel completely present and these give me a unique sense of peace and stillness that is invaluable. To be completely present is like a gift from the Divine because in that precious moment or two it’s like you are seeing things for the first time. The light is sharper, your breath is more even and the sky is more blue. You experience things more clearly and everything is a lot simpler.

Instead of worrying about how you’re going to pay the bills, you are noticing the beautiful rainbow colours in the soap bubbles as you wash the dishes.

Or you will feel the soft spikiness of the grass under your feet as you walk across your lawn and breathe in the coolness of the morning air.

It’s in these moments that we can truly appreciate our existence on this planet and also gain perspective on what is important.

Most of us have bills to pay and responsibilities. But, when you live in the moment and just do what you need to do at that point in time, things become a lot simpler and our stress levels diminish.

And by concentrating on just one thing, you will usually complete tasks more efficiently too.

So it’s a win, win.

But being present is a challenge because we’re not raised to just be present. Our culture teaches us to multi-task, to think ahead and plan, plan, plan.

These are useful qualities but we need to make space for being present too.

Being present will help you connect with you. It will also help you step away from stress, anxiety and worry.

In turn, you will feel more peace and tranquility in your life.

And, in my case, I’ll stop walking into walls and will be able to park my car.








Are you the teacher or the student?

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A friend said to me recently, “I just want it to be clear. I just want to gain clarity.”

My response was to laugh ruefully and say, “Wouldn’t we all.”

My friend is highly intuitive and uncovering her spiritual gifts. But she wants clear answers about how it all works, what it all means and what she’s supposed to do with these treasures. Like many modern women, she wants the details and she wants it in a neat form that can be easily understood and consumed.

Unfortunately, in my experience, it doesn’t usually work like that.

There is no operator manual when you’re psychic. Everyone has a different journey.

It’s also an evolving process where you are often simultaneously the teacher and the student.

Your gifts don’t simply turn up in one hit. They arrive incrementally and often unexpectedly.

Just when you think you are getting a handle on things, you’ll discover a new skill or gain a new insight.

For example, in a recent workshop I looked across the room and suddenly found I could see colours in someone’s aura. It was a bit random and definitely unexpected.

When things like this happen I find myself thinking, “What the…?” and feeling a bit clueless.

But then a few days later someone will tell me about a new and confusing experience they’ve had and I’m able to say, “Oh yes, something similar happened to me a few months back and this is how I managed it.”

So the wheel turns from being a student to a teacher. But then it always goes back to being a student again.

It can be an exciting, frustrating and sometimes unnerving experience. That’s why it’s important to find a mentor or mentors you can trust to guide you through the process.

The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself and think you’re a crackpot. You’re not crazy. You’re just an evolving spiritual human being who is both a teacher and a student.

So if you’re feeling like it’s all a bit much, look around and find someone to talk to. You’ll feel better and they will too. One of you will be the teacher, and the other will be the student.

But the roles will be reversed soon enough. That’s just how it goes.

Spirits at the kitchen sink

My Grandma

My Grandma

I was standing in my sister’s kitchen and washing the dishes when Grandma showed up.

She didn’t let me know she was coming. There was no warning or appointment.

I just looked up and there she was. She’d passed away more than a decade earlier but she still looked exactly as I remembered.

Grandma smiled and said, ‘Tell her she’s doing a good job.’

I’m almost ashamed to admit that my response was, ‘Really? Does this really need to happen right now?’

After all, I’d never had a spirit show up in front of me with a message for someone else. It felt awkward and definitely not part of an average day.

‘Yes,’ Grandma said.

‘Tell her she’s doing a good job.’

She smiled again.

‘Okay,’ I thought. ‘Here goes.’

I turned towards my sister who was seated in the lounge room behind me. She was taking care of her little baby girl who was just a few weeks old.

Nae knew I was psychic but I’d never delivered news like this before.

‘Um, Nae,’ I said.

‘This has never happened before but I just need to let you know that Grandma is here and she’s smiling and she wants me to tell you that you’re doing a good job.’

Nae looked up.

‘Do you mean Mum’s Mum?’ she asked.


‘Cool,’ she said.

And that was that.

When I turned back to the kitchen sink, Grandma had gone.

It was only later I realised there had been other spirits standing behind her.