Trance channeling on a Sunday

Trance channeling on a Sunday

Picture this. One Sunday, you sit down in your kitchen with a friend who, like you, is a psychic channel. Shortly afterwards, over a cup of tea, you agree that you’d both like to do some trance channeling of your spirit guides.

It’s something you’ve both done before but it’s been a while, at least a year or two. Longer for your friend. However, it seems like an opportune moment.

Then you hit the record button on your phone, take a final sip of water, shut your eyes and tune in. For a few moments your mind says things like, “Maybe I can’t do this anymore. Do I need to get my channeling crystal from the office to help me do this? Perhaps I’ve forgotten this stuff. Who am I kidding? Could I ever really do this?”

Then, from somewhere else comes a quiet voice that simply says, “You can do this. Just breathe and allow it to happen. There’s no rush. Just be here and allow it to be.”

So you breathe and relax further. You trust that you still know the way to connect. Then you feel the familiar, telltale constriction in your throat, like there is a huge lump that won’t go away. You remember this feeling because it has happened every time you have trance channeled your guides. When you first began doing it, your body was so resistant that you would gag and the partner you were working with (because you always do this with a partner) would often lean back in alarm as they expected to be vomited over imminently.

You know it is happening.

You can sense your Gatekeeper Guide organising the others off to your left. He is doing crowd control as they all jostle to be the first to come through. He’s good like that; he keeps them in line, most of the time.

You feel the energies of a few of them pass through you. Which one will be first? And then you know. It is the one who wears the pretty dresses and dances barefooted through the streams and grassy hillsides. What will she say?

She begins to speak through you. She has guidance for you and your friend. Your friend asks questions and recognises your guide from the other times when you’ve channeled together. This is because your voice changes when you channel your guides as they each have their own, very unique personality. Many who have watched you channel before also talk of your face changing as you do so. It changes to reflect the guide you are channeling.

You hear what your guide is saying but it’s as if you are off to the side, observing it happen. You are still present, still in the room, but you have stepped aside for a while to allow your guide to bring through the information you seek. It is such a curious process.

Some people might ask, “Is it like an out-of-body experience?” Your answer would be, “No, not quite.”

But it is strange and to someone who is unused to it, you’re sure it would seem rather freaky indeed. But it is real. It is not imagined. And you are not crazy. Remember, if something happens repeatedly, it really is happening.

Another two guides come through in quick succession, each with their own unique style of delivery and focus. Then it is done and you find yourself re-emerging consciously into the present and you open eyes.

You make eye contact with your friend and suddenly you are both laughing. Your guides have such big personalities and they certainly made their presence felt. You both marvel at this skill you have to connect to energetic beings in this way.

Then you eat some food, drink some water and go for a wander around the house to ground yourself back onto the earthly plane before your friend takes her turn at connecting into the energetic realm.

Some people may read this anecdote and dismiss it as the fanciful ramblings of a deluded woman. Others may feel fear because it is a world they know little about. Meanwhile, there will be readers who feel their curiosity aroused and they will feel drawn to know more.

All of these responses are valid and I respect them all because they arise from the experiences of the individual, the cultural and faith-based contexts they’ve been raised within, the perspectives they’ve developed over time and the teachings they have absorbed from others. We are a product of our experiences and our exposures to the world around us.

My purpose in sharing my experience – because this anecdote is from my reality – is to share information about what it’s like to be psychic from my perspective. There are so many of us out there who reside at various points along the intuitive spectrum and I think it is time to shed light on these gifts so we can build understanding and acceptance within ourselves and, in turn, with others.

Above all, my goal is show that you can be a psychic channel, intuitive, work with energy to heal others, see auras or even be an empath. You can be any or all of these things, or have other energetic gifts I haven’t even touched on here. But having these gifts doesn’t mean you are some weird hippie chick. You can be psychic and live in the mainstream world. After all, I do it every day and I invite you to join me.

Lucretia Ackfield is an author, blogger and psychic channel who helps women understand and manage their psychic gifts so they can live their purpose and create positive change.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Psychic Connections: Are you the psychic ‘type’?

psychic typeI was chatting to a new friend today about some unexpected and rather freaky metaphysical happenings she’s been experiencing.

‘I knew you’d be the type I could talk to about this stuff,’ she said. ‘My friends would just think I’m fucking insane.’

Once I’d stopped laughing at her rather hilarious turn of phrase, I had to agree with her. I am absolutely the ‘type’ to chat to about her weird freaky stuff because I’m not going to think she’s insane. For me it’s just another day in the slightly unusual world I inhabit these days.

I say ‘these days’ because once upon a time, I was a much more ‘normal’ person leading a far more ‘normal’ life. And if someone had told me 10 years ago about all the weird, wonderful, bizarre and inexplicable psychic happenings I would know about and eventually witness, I would have said they were fucking insane.

But what I find really interesting these days is how many conversations I have with outwardly ‘normal’ looking people about their psychic experiences. The more open I am about my sometimes unusual life, the more comfortable they feel to share their own happenings. And I feel honoured to hear their stories.

I guess that applies in most parts of our lives. When you are open to sharing your stories, even the freaky ones, it helps others to feel safe enough to share their own. And I think there is a wonderful magic in that process. Because through sharing our stories we all get to feel more ‘normal’ and a little less crazy…whatever that means for you.

Psychics: We’re not all weird hippie chicks

hippie chickA few years ago I found myself driving to Byron Bay for my first spiritual retreat.

A lot of weird things had happened to me that year – smelling things that weren’t there, knowing things I couldn’t know, and spiritual guides showing up when I least expected it (i.e. during meditation in my yoga class) – and my mentor said the retreat would be helpful.

I wasn’t so sure.

Most of my contact with psychics until that point had been with women who lived outside the mainstream. They weren’t like me. None of my friends were psychic. My mentor was more mainstream but even so, I wasn’t sure how I would fit into this world I was suddenly part of.

As I drove the 2.5 hours to Byron Bay, I kept saying ‘I’m not a weird hippie chick, I’m not a weird hippie chick’ over and over in my head. It’s not that I had anything against hippies (be whoever you want to be, I say) but I definitely wasn’t one.

I was a public relations professional who wore suits and loved stilettoes. I had no desire to live an alternate, off-grid lifestyle. Psychics in my mind conformed to a cliché that, it turned out, wasn’t real at all.

During the five-day retreat I was constantly surprised at how normal everyone was. In fact, a lot of them were just like me and came from all walks of life.

There were some with hippie-like tendencies but there were also business people, a senior government administrator, a counselor and a dress designer. Others worked in nutrition, teaching and a range of other professions.

They were mainstream, just like me.

The retreat helped me to understand that maybe I wasn’t so strange after all and I wouldn’t need to abandon my mainstream life just because I was psychic. I could still be me.

These days I frequently meet people who are psychic. I’ll find myself in conversation with someone at a wedding, in a workshop or even on a bus and serendipitously it will come out somehow. I’ll be chatting about that part of my life and suddenly they’ll be sharing their own experiences. Sometimes they will have been too cautious to tell anyone about it before. And as we chat, I’m able to reassure them that they are normal and not going crazy.

My psychic journey has been tumultuous in many ways and it’s been a challenge to balance my life with the gifts and insights that have opened up to me.

But I am still me.

So for all of you out there who see the spirits of those who have passed over, have insights about things you can’t possibly know, feel the emotions of others or have other psychic happenings, please know you are not alone. You are one of many who walk this planet living a mainstream life.

And being psychic doesn’t mean you have to be a weird hippie chick.

If you’d like to meet other people who are beginning their psychic journey, please join us for A Night for Spiritual Beginners on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 in Brisbane. There are still a few spots available and you can find out more at

Psychic Connections: Are you feeling other people’s stuff?

PC 2sa redoOne of the upsides of being psychic is you are often more sensitive to the feelings of others. You will sometimes literally feel what they are feeling.

This can also be a downside because you will feel things you may not want to feel. And you may know things you don’t necessarily want to know.

It can be a challenging gift to manage particularly when you’re starting your psychic journey.

Several years ago, I was on holiday in another country when I was suddenly overcome with feelings of terror. I was on a busy street and knew I was completely safe. There was no rational explanation for how I felt.

While this was happening, I thought of my close friend Cadie* but I didn’t know why. The feeling eventually passed, but the next day I called Cadie back in Australia.

She told me that the day before (when I’d been feeling terrified) her abusive partner had been threatening her with a knife. I had felt her fear although I was thousands of kilometres away.

The information completely freaked me out and I told her off for allowing herself to get into that situation in the first place.

‘I never want to feel that again!’ I said angrily.

Of course, it wasn’t her fault I felt her stuff. We were very close and, knowing what I know now about my psychic connection, it wasn’t surprising that I should feel her emotions in that extreme situation.

My experience with Cadie wasn’t the first time I’d connected into the feelings of someone I cared about. And it has definitely happened since.

When you are emotionally close to someone you will be naturally more connected to what is happening for them. And, depending on how your psychic skills manifest, you may feel or sense what they are going through even if they are in another suburb, state or country. And let me be clear, you may not be seeking to connect with them, it will just happen out of the blue while you’re walking down the street, washing the dishes or sitting at your office desk.

When their situation is extreme, you may feel it very strongly. You may not know the details of the situation but you will feel what they feel.

Fortunately, as I’ve been on this psychic journey for a while now, I can understand what’s happening to me. But it’s still unnerving, particularly when there is usually nothing I can do to change what’s happening. I’ve just had to accept that it’s part of the psychic package I’ve been given, and I’ve learned to manage it accordingly.

If you’d like to learn more about managing your emerging psychic abilities and would like to connect with others who are on a similar journey, please join us at the A Night for Spiritual Beginners on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 in Brisbane. More details are available at

* All names changed. Cadie made it out of the relationship in one piece and is now living a much happier life.






Psychic Connections: Are you freaking yourself out?

PC 1 image redoMy psychic awakening was exhilarating, confusing and often freaked me out. I’d had some psychic incidents during the preceding years but suddenly, over the course of 12 months, it seemed the Universe decided to slam its foot down on the psychic accelerator and I was an unwitting passenger locked inside the vehicle.

I found myself smelling and seeing things that weren’t ‘technically’ there and knowing things I couldn’t possibly know through any rational means. It was a truly bizarre existence.

I remember asking my mother, ‘Do you think I’m going mad? Should I simply call the men in the white coats to come and get me?’

‘No,’ she said. ‘I just think you see things other people don’t.’ Her reassurance helped me to accept that perhaps I wasn’t losing my mind.

I also sought the advice of a gifted psychic who provided me with support and guidance about what I was going through. She too reassured me that I was not going mad.

Time has passed and I’ve learned (usually the hard way) to manage my psychic gifts more effectively and use them to help others. It’s an ongoing educational process as new skills tend to show up when it’s time for me to use them.

Over the past year, I’ve had conversations with people who are beginning their own psychic awakening and, while their experiences are unique to them, their fears and confusion are very familiar to me. I’ve found, by drawing on my own experiences, that I’ve been able to provide guidance and support for their journey and I’ve decided to start a monthly event specifically for that purpose.

My first Night for Spiritual Beginners will be held on 18 March 2015 in Brisbane. People who are finding their way through the psychic awakening process will be able to meet like-minded souls, learn more about what they’re going through, and gain some vital skills to help them manage their special gifts and live their purpose.

Many people feel isolated and alone during their psychic awakening and it’s my hope this event will help to alleviate those feelings and create a community where we can share our experiences and grow together.

Registration is a requirement for this event and details can be found at

I look forward to seeing you there.





Fate: Do you really have a choice?

Image - examier.comSomeone asked recently if I believed in fate or if I thought we had a choice in how our lives turn out.

It may seem contradictory, but I believe in fate AND our ability to make choices and exercise our free will.

I think we all have a path to follow, a purpose and lessons to learn while we are here. These things are decided before we are born. But how our lives and lessons manifest, and how long we take to learn our lessons, is up to us.

Let’s take exhibit A: Me.

For quite a few years after my marriage ended, I attracted and was attracted to unavailable men. They might already have partners, be emotionally constipated (i.e. unable to make any type of emotional commitment), physically unavailable (live intra- or interstate), like to play hard to get or be unable to work out what they really wanted.

I was a magnet for these men. I didn’t know why but they kept turning up in my life and I would be sucked into their world of unavailability. And of course, I would get emotionally involved, make excuses for their poor behaviour and believe they could change, get hurt and then spend months recovering from it all.

I repeated this pattern over and over again.

In hindsight, I believe I had a lesson to learn about valuing myself and realising I deserved an emotionally available man. I felt guilty about leaving my marriage and hurting people I cared about for a long time and part of me just didn’t think I deserved another shot at the ‘relationship title’. So those unavailable men just kept rocking up until I learned the lesson.

I’m pleased to say I don’t open my doors wide to unavailable men anymore. I’m much better at spotting them from a distance, giving them a wide berth or just saying, ‘No thanks’ and moving on. I guess you could say I’ve learned my lesson and now make different choices. I know I deserve the best now.

So when it comes to fate and choices I think we do have certain things to learn in this lifetime but it’s up to us how long we take to learn those lessons. We can take as long and make it as painful for ourselves as we like. That’s our choice.

Sometimes in these situations we just don’t realise we are repeating the same pattern over and over again.

That’s my take on fate versus choices anyway.

May you make good choices for yourselves today.