Five Reasons Why We Ignore Our Intuition (and why this approach doesn’t work in our favour)

Five Reasons Why We Ignore Our Intuition (and why this approach doesn’t work in our favour)

We all have intuition but some of us make a deliberate decision to ignore it. While this may seem very sensible and logical at the time, ultimately, it’s going to make you come unstuck, miss opportunities and not always act in your best interests.

Reason 1: We can’t hear it. Many of us schedule almost every minute of our day as try desperately to fit everything in – from picking up the kids to meeting that work deadline and responding to emails after hours. This busy-ness doesn’t allow any space for our intuitive voice to be heard (hint, it speaks really quietly). And when we do have downtime, we spend it aimlessly scrolling through social media platforms as we try to give our minds a break when really all we’re doing is making the overload worse. If you want to hear your intuitive voice, then you need to create the space for it to be heard.

Reason 2: We don’t believe it. We are constantly taught to seek the answers outside of ourselves (in Western culture particularly). This means we often have limited trust for anything we might feel intuitively to be true. If it can’t be reasoned through in a logical way or validated by someone else, we are unlikely to believe it. If we don’t trust ourselves then why would we listen to our inner voice?

Reason 3: Our minds reason us out of it. Our minds are powerful tools (when used carefully) but they can reason us into and out of almost anything. If your intuition tells you something your mind doesn’t want to be true or if it makes no logical sense, then your mind may step in and do its best to reason you out of it. Ideally you need your mind, heart and intuition to work in alignment – but that is a subject for another post.

Reason 4: It tells us something we don’t want to hear. Often our mind and/or heart becomes very attached to a particular outcome. Your heart will desire something so much that it can lead you to do almost anything, while your mind (with its addiction to logic) will want things to follow a nice linear path. When your intuition tells you something different, well, your heart and mind will do whatever they can to ignore what’s being said.

Reason 5: If we act on it then we will upset other people or the status quo. Your intuition doesn’t lie and is going to show you the truth, even when that doesn’t fit with what other people want you to believe. Sometimes your decision to listen to your intuition may upset others and that’s okay because if you don’t, you will be serving their highest good and not yours. Going along with something you know intuitively isn’t right, just to keep other people happy, isn’t a sustainable approach for a happy life.

Are you ready to start listening to your intuition so you can get on track, clear your obstacles and begin living your Soul’s Mission? If so, email me at so you can be part of my six-week intensive coaching program NIGHTS FOR SPIRITUAL BEGINNERS which begins on 5 December 2018. Please note, spaces are limited to ensure everyone receives the support they need. If you’re ready to move forward, create change and serve humanity, then I’d love to chat to you.

Fear of Yourself is the Worst

Fear of Yourself is the Worst

I’ve been coming up against fear lately. I’m not talking about feeling a little anxious or concerned. I’m actually talking about pure terror and it’s not for a reason that may make sense to you.

You see, I’m not usually a fearful person. Many people who know me well would probably tell you I’m one of the least fearful people they’ve ever met. I’m the one out there on the edge, taking risks. But I’m not talking about physical risks like base jumping. I’m talking about emotional and personal risks that put myself out there; pushing my personal boundaries and jumping in where angels fear to tiptoe, that sort of thing. You see, being completely and wholly myself is incredibly important to me but the downside (for want of a better word) is that I am often left exposed emotionally and quite vulnerable. I feel compelled to ‘go there’, move forward and expand who I am but in order to do so, I often have to prise my own fingertips from the window ledge and allow myself to freefall, not knowing where I will land.

Recently the Universe has been pushing me to go to the edges of my comfort zone again and it’s been bringing up fear, big time. From being asked to perform in my Latin dance class in front of other dancers (and in the future, public audiences), to really going for it in my business and some other challenges, I’ve been feeling incredibly exposed.

How can dancing in front of my class make me feel terrified when I can confidently get up in front of a more than 100 people and present (and enjoy it!)? I know it doesn’t make sense. But it’s true. As I said to one of my classmates, “I’m not talking about something rational.” Fear is never rational.

When I shared my fears with my sister she suggested I need to do the things I’m terrified of and there’s a reason the Universe is sending these things my way.

The irony of her comments did not escape me as it’s the kind of advice I usually give to other people.

One of the most interesting things about my fear is observing how I respond when it comes up. In short, every part of me goes into resistance and a range of emotions riot at the surface. The anger, resentment and sometimes tearfulness I feel at being pushed to do something every part of me is resisting is extreme. I want to run from the room immediately, yell or nail my feet to the floor so they can’t move me.

It’s such an over-the-top reaction that it would be amusing, if I wasn’t experiencing it. I also know that such a radical response definitely warrants further investigation because it is blocking my progress forward in some way. In my experience, this type of response usually covers something that needs to come to the surface and be released.

Everyone has fears and you don’t have to do the thing you’re scared of. I’m certainly not going to commit to dancing in front of others just yet. But I am committed to closely looking at the fear it brings up and then taking steps to resolve it.

Perhaps you may see me in a public dance performance yet.

Lucretia is an author, psychic channel and transformational teacher who helps women move past their fears and connect to their inner truth. Her personalised intuitive mentoring programs help women reclaim their Intuitive Power and Live Their Soul’s Mission. Contact Lucretia at for more information. You can also find more of her work on Facebook and Instagram 





The Real Cost of Giving Up What You Love

The Real Cost of Giving Up What You Love

Can you remember a time when you gave up on something you loved or dreamed about? It might have been when you were a kid, or a teenager or as an adult. I want you to think about when you chose to stop going for that dream or doing that job or activity that you loved. Regardless of the circumstances, there was a moment when you chose to let it go.

Maybe some other kids made fun of you for being different, so you gave it up. Maybe a teacher said you weren’t good enough, so you gave it up. Maybe someone told you that it would be too hard or maybe impossible, so you gave it up. Maybe you had a family to provide for, so you gave it up.

Can you see that moment in your mind’s eye? Can you remember how it felt?

When I look back, I can see a few of those moments too. The one that stands out tonight as I write this post, is the moment I realised that if I was going to be with my husband then I would probably never work overseas. He was perfectly happy staying where he was and we were married and I loved him. At the time, my choice seemed obligatory and not a real choice at all. If I wanted my relationship then I had to give up the exciting dream that beckoned to me.

But it was me who chose. I could have gone for six months and then returned, but I didn’t (I wasn’t brave enough to take that risk on my own). I could have left him, but I didn’t (that came years later when our paths were definitely and permanently no longer running in parallel).

I chose not to chase that dream.

Over the past 13 years, since my marriage ended, I have done a lot of travel. I guess you could say I’ve been making up for lost time. I even worked remotely for clients while I was in Italy last year, so I guess you could say I finally realised my dream after all. Does that mean we all eventually get where we’re meant to go? I’m not sure.

I know I’ve come a long way from that 20-something young woman who was too scared to go for what she really wanted. I also know that the love I’m seeking these days won’t require me to give up what I love and dream of. Compromise in a relationship is one thing, but giving up on your dreams and the things you love permanently is a choice I’m no longer willing to make.

Life will always throw us curve balls. Sometimes we have to defer things and put them off for a while until it’s a better time. I know this. But the danger is when we choose to make those decisions to align with other people’s expectations, or when we think we should just be more sensible, more practical and [insert all the other reasons we tell ourselves why we can’t have what we truly desire and deserve].

I hope that when you read this post you will remember that thing you loved or dreamt of. I also hope you will choose to find a way to reach for it again because the real cost of giving up what you love is always too high.

Lucretia is an author, psychic channel and transformational teacher who helps women reach for what they love. Her three-month, personalised mentoring programs help women like you claim their Intuitive Power and Live Their Soul’s Mission. Contact Lucretia at for more information. You can also find more of her work on Facebook and Instagram

Photo by Adrien King on Unsplash
Every Witch Needs a Familiar, Or A Wart On Her Nose

Every Witch Needs a Familiar, Or A Wart On Her Nose

There’s an old saying about witches and their cats: “Every witch needs a familiar”. It’s believed the cat (familiar) and the witch are drawn to each other intuitively and form a lifelong connection.

As a former cat owner, I’ve jokingly refer to myself as a witch who needs a ‘familiar’ and these comments have sometimes caused an expression of disquiet to pass over the faces of people around me.

“But you’re not really a witch, are you?” they’ve asked. You can tell just the word, witch, conjures up unsettling images of supernatural spells, dark places, steaming cauldrons and women with nefarious intentions and wart-topped noses perched on broomsticks. She might even have green skin (if you watched The Wizard of Oz as a child).

At this point, I usually make a joke and lightly move the conversation on to other subjects because I know they feel confronted and perhaps a little afraid of what I’m saying.

I don’t usually refer to myself as a witch because it’s not a term I’ve felt overly drawn to. But I know that in centuries past, someone with my psychic skillset would have been called a witch. In those times I might have been sought out as a healer, a soothsayer, a maker of potions and so on. I may have been feared, ostracised or burned at the stake for my naturally-occurring gifts, even if I used them to help others.

In those times it was wise to keep a low profile.

If you fast forward to the 1960s and 70s, women with metaphysical gifts were depicted in television shows like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. Samantha and Jeannie (the respective main characters) were bright, creative and energetic women who were forced to hide who they truly were because their husbands could never feel comfortable with their special gifts and worrying about what the neighbours might think was a big concern.

Shows like these gave my mother’s generation very clear messages about conformity and that openly claiming your metaphysical gifts could not occur in mainstream society. The underlying themes of masculinity being unable to hold space for gifted women was also very revealing (but that is a subject better dealt with in another post).

Fast forward to Halloween 2018 and many little girls across the world donned black hats, wigs and false noses (with the obligatory wart) and (cackling witchily) they moved from house to house asking, “Trick or treat?”

Clearly, the somewhat negative perceptions of witches persist today.

The women I know with metaphysical gifts (and I know quite a lot of them) do not look different from any other person you might meet on the street. They do not have green skin or nefarious intentions for the world around them. They are flawed humans who have special gifts they use to help others and make a difference to the planet in whatever way feels right for them.

They may call themselves witches or herbalists, clairvoyants, psychics, channels, healers, shamans, lightworkers, empaths or any other name that feels right to them.

Their gifts in another time and place would most certainly have defined them as witches.

It’s part of my mission to draw the veil back from the mystery of metaphysics and help others understand that psychic and energetic skills should not be feared, but should be embraced and owned. As I sit here in my make-up and stilettos, writing this post, I also want people to know we are often living in our suburban homes or apartment buildings and participating in mainstream life, just like you.

We’re not weird and we don’t usually have warts on our noses. Some own cauldrons (shout out to my close friend S, you know who you are) but a lot of us don’t. Others work with crystals while some have never used a metaphysical tool in their life. We are all as diverse and unique as the rest of the human race.

And fortunately, in most places in the world, we can no longer be burned at the stake.

Lucretia is an author, psychic channel and transformational teacher who helps women harness their intuition so they can live their Soul’s Mission. You can find more of her work on Facebook and Instagram.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Things That Go Bump In The Night

Things That Go Bump In The Night

There were people stealthily dragging bodies around in the roof cavity of my house last week. The noises started late one night, not long after I’d turned out the light.

I lay frozen for a moment in the dark before mustering my courage to turn on my bedside lamp and determinedly got out bed to investigate. No bumps in the night were going to keep me cowering under the covers.

I stood in the hallway and briefly wondered if the source was physical or metaphysical. As a psychic channel, I sometimes host unusual visitors at my place and they’re not always in a physical form. I’ve had the spirit guide of a boyfriend drop by (while we stood in my kitchen talking one afternoon), an auntie who had passed over drop in during a reading for her niece, and a spirit who smelled like roses who turned up unannounced a few years back. I even had the spirit of a young man in his late teens who insisted on jamming my front door shut for days until I finally made the time to connect with him.

But, on this occasion, I knew the noise in my roof was physical. And then came that dragging sound again. Yikes!!

I stood listening for a while longer and eventually the noises stopped. Had they escaped through an unseen roof exit? Or could they somehow sense me there, underneath, waiting, wondering what the heck to do?

I went back to bed and the next day, I turned to Google for answers. The noises weren’t the product of lifeless bodies after all. It was rats. Rats in my roof, enjoying themselves by dragging my electricity cords here, there and anywhere else they found amusing. Rats.

I bought some Ratsak but couldn’t bring myself to throw it up through the manhole. It seemed mean somehow. Then my Dad suggested camphor. He’d used it to get rid of the ship rats that had taken up residence at my parents’ house. “They hate it!” he said. Camphor.

I could remember the overpowering smell of camphor throughout my parents’ house around that time. Was it the answer? Did I (and my home) need to smell like an elderly person who was fearful of a moth invasion?

But I needed to consider the wiring. It would be expensive to replace it. So I put aside my concerns and threw a few camphor balls up there and guess what? For the next few nights, there were no more noises, no more unsettling dragging sounds. Could it really be that quick and easy, I wondered.

Unfortunately, they came back last night and fearlessly had a roof party in my house around 10pm. I was the only resident not invited. Today I’ve been more heavy-handed with the camphor. Hopefully that will help my unwelcome rat visitors to cut their visit a little shorter than they had planned.

I’m also pleased to report that I can’t smell any camphor in my house. But I do have some niggling concerns that perhaps I’ve just become immune to the smell and it actually reeks.

If you drop by for a visit, you might want to bring a peg for your nose, just in case.

Lucretia is an author, psychic channel and transformational teacher who helps women harness their intuition so they can live their Soul’s Mission. You can find more of her work on Facebook and Instagram. #psychic #metaphysical #spirits #intuitive #spiritguides